Coward Faggot Asks His Planet For Help By Calling The People Coward Faggots –
God is Right – 12/20/2022 6:34 AM EST
Goto Jail I love you. I love every person. If you are harmful to psychology or physiology, go directly to jail. Harm is not relative; it is actual. Saying you are all cowards is not harmful. Making sure someone is stupider than you are…is harmful. Goto jail; do not collect $200…is a monopoly joke. But …
Police Lenient Original Article: Police have to be more lenient. They do not know their customers do not want to fight. They do not know any better. They have embodied fighting, so they have to be told they do not want to fight until they realize it.
NO TOUCHING PLEASE New! F.B.I. Information Update – – AA NA Alcoholics Narcotics Anonymous live 10/12/022
Learning to correct your mistakes until you are right minded… Pointing at you and picking on you… POWER OVER GOD sermon by Robert G BRown live 10/6/2022 – too cf fbi live 10/3/2022